Thursday, August 27, 2009

Port Blocking by ISP's

Recently my friend was having trouble sending e-mail. So, and went over to help him out. I found an e-mail from Comcast saying they had blocked port 25 essentially because they thought he was a spammer (which he is not). Port 25 is the default port by most e-mail providers to send mail. ISP's (or Internet Service Providers) are blocking Port 25 on people's modems in an effort to crack down spammers. There is a easy and legally to get your sending capability back. This is meant for the innocent people who's sending capabilities have been taken away, not for spammers. The following tutorial is for Windows Mail (The e-mail program that comes with Vista). This should work on Outlook Express as well.

1: Open up Window's Mail and go to the tools menu.

2: Click on the account you want to fix and then click properties.

3: Go to the Server tab and under where it says "Outgoing Mail Server" check the box that says "My Server Requires Authentication"

4: Now go to the advanced tab and under where it says "Server Port Numbers" change the outgoing server to 587.

This should work. If it doesn't leave me a comment and I'll help you out.

Instant Messaging: What it's about and some tips for it

If your and Instant Messaging junkie like me you probably have quite a few accounts. Maybe AOL, Yahoo, and/or ICQ.
Instant Messaging (or IM) is a way to talk over distances as if you are actually having a conversation. This is not like a chat room because it is private. However, in most IM clients you an talk with several friends. You can use microphones and webcams to talk.
I have several accounts and to have a client for each one can take up a lot of space on my hard drive. For this problem you can use Trillian which works with AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, and MSN (Windows Live) or Pidgin which works with AIM, Bonjour Gadu-Gadu, and more. You might not always be home. You can use to access all of your accounts away from home.
IM is great. You can communicate with friends and co-workersat the push of a button.
Thank you for reading,
Gadget I.T.

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-10-28 02:24:36 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

AOL Billing Scam

I got it my AIM e-mail box did you get it from your AOL/AIM Mail? It comes from the e-mail domain (part after @) There is a link to "billing services". If you open the link it asks you to sign on to AOL. After signing on, you are asked for credit card and billing information. Now, if you have Internet Explorer 7 there is a phishing -- fishing for info via the web-- filter. It will not detect the scam! Norton Internet Security, however will. When a phishing filter pops up saying it has detected a scam, stop!!! If you don't have a phishing filter the e-mail domain or the web address is your sign that it's a scam. If you have put in your screen name and password only, change your password and security Question and Answer on AOL Help on . If you put in personal information contact your credit card company. Remember, we live in a world where not everything is what it seems. Be Careful. TTFN

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-08-23 17:06:55 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

Create a Secret Folder/Icon

OK. Before we start, I want to warn you not to do this on system files or other important files because today, I will tell you how to make an icon invisible. I got this from It only works on XP and Vista.
For Shortcuts:
1. Right-Click on the icon and press rename.
2. Type ALT 255 (You must use the number pad) and press the enter key.
3. Right-Click on the icon again and click Properties
4. Click into the "Shortcut" tab and click Change Icon. Scroll to the right until you see 3 blanks spaces. Click one and press OK. Click OK on the Properties box.
5. For folders, all steps are the same except for No.4. Click on the customize tab instead of the Shortcut tab.
Go ahead and try it, tell me what you think at

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-05-31 23:39:20 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

Tiny Url

I just discovered what is in my opinion one of the greatest free Internet resources: Tiny URL. Don't you hate when you have a long, tough to remember web address? I know I do. With Tiny URL, you can shorten any web address!
Here is how:
1. Go to
2. There should be a box saying to type in a web address to make it "tiny". Type the address in that box and hit enter.
3. A screen pops up saying how long the address was how much it was shortened and what the Tiny URL is. For example: AIM Express is and my website is
Now you can have Tiny URLs!

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-05-01 14:03:35 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

E-Mail Clients for Beginners

An e-mail client sends and receives e-mail. I love them because I can put almost all of my accounts in one place (not all e-mail providers allow POP access), which is good for me with all my e-mail accounts! But, you need to set it up. You also need to find one that supports your e-mail type. With the release of Windows Vista, a new and improved version of Outlook Express was released: Windows Mail. Though it has many new features, it took away features like HTML e-mail. To get around this, download an e-mail client like Mozilla Thunderbird or Windows Live Mail desktop. I will tell you how to set up AOL/AIM Mail and GMail. View the post E-mail Set-Up

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-04-15 23:27:14 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

What's the Difference: Virus Alert/Hoax

If you get an e-mail message telling you about a piece of malicious software, your first reaction is usually to let your friends know by forwarding it through e-mail. But, how do you know whether it's only a hoax or if it's real? You can't always tell through the FROM or SUBJECT line in your e-mail client. For example, it may say it's from a friend or the subject line might say WARNING!!! MALICIOUS VIRUS. That doesn't however mean it's true. For examples of hoaxes visit: One thing hoaxes do is make people think any virus warning isn't real. So when they get a real virus warning, their systems will get infected. For an example of a recent virus alert:

If you have questions about a hoax or alert, e-mail me at:

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-04-14 15:22:41 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

Computer Disposal

When you find you want to get rid of a computer, you have to realize that it isn't as simple as sending it to the recycling plant. Especially today with risk of identity theft, it is important to take extra precautions. Sure, I could erase my disk and make it unrecoverable. But, I'd still worry. If you plan on selling or disposing of your computer follow these steps:
1. Open the side panel of the computer. This may or may not be difficult depending on your computer.
2. Locate your hard drive. This is not complicated. It may seem that way, but it isn't. View the picture above.
3. Basically, "bust up" your hard drive. Don't smash it into the dust, but enough so that it can't be used.
If you have any questions e-mail me at:

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-04-07 15:45:45 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

Web Design

You might have wanted to make a webpage at one time, but thought that it was expensive to create a webpage. Surprisingly, it's not. Some web design services are totally free! There are several websites which allow you to create a webpage. Three I recommend are: Yahoo! GeoCities, Lycos Tripod, and Office Live (Note: Office Live Basics includes a $5 set-up fee). And perhaps you wanted a blog to go with your site. Several free blogging tools are: Blogger and Windows Live Spaces. Live Spaces starts up a personal "space" for you. And for Blogger, all you need is a Google account. As you can see, web design is inexpensive.

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-03-27 22:51:57 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

Tech is very unstable (cont.)

I mentioned a few days ago that my friend's computer wouldn't start up. I have great news. After calling HP back, he was able to successfully start his computer. It isn't perfect yet. I don't know how it happened, but there is spyware in the computer. I'm pretty sure that wasn't there when he first bought it! There are various messages that come up. The window says that it is "Messenger Service" and that there is a critical error in the system's registry and to go to a website to fix it. I tried going to one of the webpages it was telling me to go to and what came up was something like Funky Munky Search Engine or something (no joke!). I ran a spyware scan, but that didn't fix the problem. I had put McAfee provided by Comcast on his computer. He forgot his password and we are now waiting for it to come in his e-mail. There are a million Windows Updates and Service Pack 2 didn't show up! The first time we tried updating it it only came up with about 4 things which we downloaded. Then, we tried again and there were 64 updates. I'm sure that there will be even more after the second update I haven't been able to check. Soon, his computer will be PERFECT.

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-03-21 23:26:53 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-26

Tech is very unstable!

The title says it all! Technology is unstable. I found that out the hard way on a friend's computer. I tried to boot it up so I could check my e-mail. Well, it wouldn't start! It would try to start up like it would normally. Then it showed the recovery console screen. The first line of the error message was: " We appologize for the incovienience, but Windows did not start succesfully." It had options for how to boot up the computer: Safe Mode, Safe Mode with Networking, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Last Known Good Configuration, and Start Windows Normally. So we called Hp paid the money to have them fix it over the phone. We waited for an hour and 15 minutes for a technician to get on the phone. First, he told us to boot in safe mode and try to use the System Restore utility. That didn't work so he said we had to restore the computer to factory state!!! Both my friend and I hesitated upon this. The case is good for 2 weeks, so my friend is going to call back HP Tech Support and have them walk through restoring the computer to factory state. I will get back to you on this story.

Originally Posted via Yahoo! Geocities on 2007-03-17 13:46:28 GMT

History of Windows Link

This is not important to know, but it is very interesting. If you look through the screenshots, you'll see Microsoft has come along well. I mean they started out with Windows 1.0, which doesn't look that great. Then there is Windows Vista. And my reaction to the changes was "WHOA!". Here is the link:

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-03-12 21:46:59 GMT

Geeky but Interesting

I have 1 computer that wasn't manufactured by HP, Toshiba, Gateway, or any of the computer manufacturing companies! It was homemade. Though very expensive, it can be interesting. I'm not trying to say, get a bunch of wires, a hard drive, memory chips, a motherboard, and some operating system, what I'm trying to say while building a computer is extremely geeky, it is a good experience. Because, I'm sure you've wondered how your computer worked. I don't know how easy it would be to put together a laptop, because they don't sell the case or exterior. I know for sure however,that you can build the tower for a computer. It is, as I said before expensive to do. And one of the first things that came to my mind was: when you're finished how do you boot it up, there isn't an operating system on it? Well, you have to use a boot disk. Most hard drives come with a boot disk for the computer. Or you can use another CD/Floppy. For example: I have several generic boot disks. You should use a CD that contains an operating system (i.e. Windows, Linux) If you don't want to pay to get a copy of Windows, you can download Linux legally for free (excluding Red Hat). I recommend Ubuntu. It's very user-friendly. Check out my video on how to get it:

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-03-11 23:21:09 GMT
Edited via Blogger on 2009-08-27

Buying a New Computer

I just got a new computer recently. I had been looking in sales papers for months, just to find the right computer! You might be thinking, this guy is crazy, why didn't he just ask for the best computer at the store? Well, the truth is, it isn't that easy to buy a computer. First, you want to find a computer that is in a decent price range. Then, you want to find a decent computer. Here are some specs: 1 MB of Ram (Memory). Hard drive space depends on what you do. If you just use your computer use the internet and download digital photos than 60 GB, even 40 GB is ok. But if you're a serious gamer who constantly downloads games than, you should get 100 GB. Then you want to think about the operating system which best fits what you want to do with your computer. Read information about operating systems. Next, the proccessor, the only one you shouldn't get is Intel Celeron. AMD 64 and Intel Dual core are in my opinion the better processors. If you would like to know more on the topic of buying a computer e-mail me at

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-03-07 16:12:44 GMT

Cool Trick

I went onto this site because I have a Vista laptop. I found this really awesome tip and just have to tell you about. I think it works in atleast Windows XP, I'm not sure thought. I'll say one thing Microsoft hasn't improved with any operating system so far, are the steps that it takes to shut down your computer. I can help you get around those steps and shut down or resart your computer from your desktop! First, right click on your desktop and go to new. Click "Create Shortcut". A window appears asking the location of the file. For shut down type: shutdown -s -t 0 (zero on number pad not o) . For restart, everything is the same except you have to replace the -s to a -r.

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-03-07 02:08:58 GMT

Good Link #2



Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-02-24 14:21:52 GMT

Solid State Computers (Cont.)

We left off at:

These are created on behalf of security worries and a push towards Unix/Linux operating systems. "'Today's operating systems are vulnerable to viruses and other intrusions because they live on devices that permit write-only access,' Steinberg said."

Here is the rest:

"The core component in the Windows operating system (OS) is not locked down, but Linux's can be, making it the OS of choice for solid-state computers." It is already possible to create a solid state pc using Linux. A Windows version will take a few more years. "
The computer industry is also on the verge of seeing solid-state replacements for the aging spinning hard drive technology, said Consultant Robert Hoffer. 'The time is right to move forward with Flash RAM storage because spindle drive capacity is at the end of its possibilities for greater storage.'"

Source Link:

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-02-24 04:17:36 GMT

"Solid State PCs: VIRUS KILLERS"

Solid State PCs which are already being developed in Asia and South America! They do not have hard drives. Instead, the operating systems are burned on to chips. Making malware and viruses problems of the past. Though the development of these computers is possible. There are problems with booting from Flash RAM (Random Access Memory). "'Solid-state PCs are a natural progression of existing technology,'" said Ken Steinberg of Savant Protection which has been experimenting with improving operating security. These are created on behalf of security worries and a push towards Unix/Linux operating systems. "'Today's operating systems are vulnerable to viruses and other intrusions because they live on devices that permit write-only access,' Steinberg said."

Source Link:

Originally Posted via Yahoo! GeoCities on 2007-02-22 22:57:27 GMT

Good Link #1

Helpful information on many problems/question you have about computer.

Originally Posted via Yahoo! Geocities on 2007-02-19 17:38:08 GMT